Monday, October 29, 2007

The passing of Azraie

Today is a sad day for me. My good friend Azraie passed away this morning at 2.00 a.m. He has never left the hospital since his birth 13 months ago.

Please join me in reciting a prayer & al-Fatihah for him. May Allah s.w.t. bless him & put him in the beautiful Jannah.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Opah's here

Opah came to my home this morning, with Pak Su Indra & Chik La. They'll be going back to Ipoh tomorrow, taking along Atah & Aiman.

Abah came to see me in the morning. Mama came later as she had to prepare for the family barberque tonight.

I was awake when Abah came in

Time for my milk & medication

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Abah's turn

Mama's having some flu, so she couldn't come to see me. In case she'll infect me with it. So today Abah's turn to see me

Me ... sideways

Me ... from the top

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My tummy

Mama, look ... my tummy's getting bigger

My pink shirt

Hey, look at my favorite pink shirt ... I like it so much

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ceremony in Parit Buntar

My family's in Parit Buntar today for my Pak Su Indra & Chik La's engagement ceremony.

Chik La looking pretty in white

Along & Kakak, together with Chik La & my cousins

Opah putting the engagement ring on Chik La's finger

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Aidil Fitri 1428H

A message from Along :

"Hari ni hari yang paling gembira ... tapi sayang, Adik takde bersama kite. Along, Kakak, Wan dan Mak Tok dapat tengok Adik. Along rindu sangat nak dukung dan peluk Adik. Bila agaknye Along dapat buat camtu? Harap-harap tahun depan kita sekeluarga dapat beraya bersama-sama. Esok sepupu kita akan datang ke rumah kita. Nanti Adik dah sihat insya-Allah kita dapat main sama-sama. Along sentiasa doakan agar Adik cepat balik dan sihat cepat."

My family at my grandparent's in Gurun

My grandparent ... Wan & Mak Tok

Here's Kakak ... trying Wan's motorcycle

No "baju raya" for me this year

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mama came, then Abah came later

Mama came at 11 a.m and stayed until 12.30 p.m. Abah came later at 3 p.m.

By the way, I gained 10 grams today.

Big hand, little hand

This is the monitor for my heart rate, respiration rate, pulse, etc

And this is my nasal CPAP machine

Saturday, October 6, 2007

"Shopping Sakan"

Today Abah & Mama came to see me in the morning. Both Along and Kakak are asleep in the car. My family's going shopping for this coming Hari Raya Aidil Fitri next Saturday. Not that they'll be celebrating like the previous years, maybe just a little bit only.

Here's Abah trying to make me sleep

No ... I'm not sleepy yet

I'm finally asleep ... at last

Friday, October 5, 2007

It's Friday again

Abah & Mama came to see me after breaking fast